Saturday 13 December 2008

Im Home!~

Its good to be back home. so from the vacation Gnol n I had, i concluded that I HATE TRAVELLING when its too far. i hated everything from the plane, the train, the food, the smell, everything! its not that i hate the places, i think its because im already used to being home. there were good times though especially shopping in my favourite store - ESPRIT :) the place is my home for shopping n new clothes. i got a photo of me outside the store in France. I could still find "home" thousands miles away from brunei. its the farthest ESPRIT i've ever been to. hehe so im proud of it. overall it was a good experience with some flaws that will be remembered. i feel bad for Gnol because i spoiled our tour in Paris. I did mention that we had the best time is Disneyland Paris in my last post, another thing, Gnol bought a toy gun there which almost got us in trouble in france immigration. my bag was scanned and we were questioned by the officer. "are u carrying anything illegal in this bag?" he asked, we said no, "are u carrying worth more than eur$10k?" he continued, we said no. so he put in his hand inside my bag and took out the gun. Gnol n I smiled and we told him its just a toy from disneyland. skali he laughed a bit. although he tried to pull the trigger a couple of time just so he's sure its not a real gun.

After Paris, we went to Gnol's sister's place. it was a relax holiday after some hectic days in Paris. Kaka Ija and Abg Ian brought us to the biggest shopping mall in Sheffield, the meadow hall. it wasnt as impressive at first as i thought it was going to be. There were just too many people shopping for christmas, too crowded and there was no ESPRIT. hehe it was a decent shopping mall like the mall here in Brunei but 8 times bigger, i think. I actually enjoyed shopping there, we bought some clothes that are hardly found in other places. shirts and jeans that can actually fit us. haha my second impression was Wow! i love this mall!! haha not just that, Sheffield was much cleaner than Paris or London. it smelled like fresh air :) we stayed at abg ian and kaka's place for 3 nights and it was siok and homey.

London was good, atleast there were some fimiliar faces and food we found. we stayed just across Brunei Hall where my cousin Mony stayed, so it was easier for us to go around. Gnol and I ate at a malaysian restaurant (more like a cafeteria) called Bonda almost everyday. atleast we got to eat some decent food. it was better than gnol eating kebab and fish and chips everyday. it was easy to go around the places with the bus. i wish the same for Brunei, but too bad. hehe we also went to Madame Tussaud (not sure with the spelling) with Gnol's friends. that was a fun last day in London. Mony also spent the last afternoon with us, he brought us to picadilly circus to shop a little. I had a mixed feeling of leaving but i cant take it longer. it was too cold there and it sucks it didnt snow in london. hahaha cant wait for our next holiday trip to..... ??? Photos are up next. adios!

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