Friday 22 May 2009

Customers and Complains inspires me to this

This is something I have never told anyone before. I normally just cry myself at night never really expressed my heart out hoping it will go away. I am writing to express my feelings and thoughts on behalf of many people who work as front liners. They are people who deliver services to customers and sometimes (in the shoe of customers) the services that the retail store provides are not up to their standard. When customers are unhappy about the service, the front liners are the first contact who faces the complaint. From my own personal experience from working as a cashier at a food stall to a teller at a bank, it is painful to see how some behaviors of customers are toward cashiers. You read complains on how this business company is making one’s life miserable and how that retail store is ripping one’s money off. It is understandable that you should take action against certain unsatisfying service that had been delivered to you. However, I think it is best to do it in a polite way just as the way the first contacts i.e. front liners delivered their manners. Especially if it is just a simpler problem than you-got-cockroach- in-your-food. I believe that stores and restaurants have open arms on receiving complains and some complains can be resolved although some are not. These companies have their own reasons and for whatever they are, human customers should be more patient and it is not pretty to exaggerate your madness to the cashiers. Write a simple complain letter with your suggestions and forward it To Whom It May Concern, pray and hope for a positive response. If you want to see and talk to the manager instead, ask nicely, don’t express in such abrupt anger.

In the part where I wrote “it is painful to see how some peoples’ behaviors are toward cashiers” this actually means how dominating people can act toward minority cashiers especially customers with high standard and are high nosed or arrogant. Is the motto “customers are always right” in your mind? From front liners point of view, it is “customers are always wrong but they just think they are right.” (Just because you have more money than I do, it doesn’t make you right to treat me like I am nobody). It is painful because we front liners do not have the say to respond to mean customers directly. We just cry among ourselves or laugh at it at the end of the day.

I now have realized how mean I have been to some of my colleagues, friends and even the maid in my husband’s house. I got really mad one time I didn’t realize I was hurting them. Just recently I got struck by a lighting to change myself, to be nicer and kinder.

Again, read this as an experience from someone and move on ;)

Loads of love,

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